Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Tattood on my forehead

Been a while.

What's happened? TONS

This past weekend was May 2-4. Don't remember a nicer one, usually it rains. This year was a beaut! I was up in Hali, love that town. Just enough that it hurts to go, but I know I would go insane if I stayed there. The expression "You can never go home" never applied to me, thank goodness. It's because of the people. It's always the people. But that's what really matters isn't it? Not where you are but who you are with. Wish I could shove you all in my back packet and pull you out all the time!

Lately I have noticed that I am constantly meeting people, men in particular but not all cases, who are in the same situation as I. Meaning freshly out of relationships, most of them long, 6 or 7 years as well. Beyond that fact I have also been attracted to these people. I suddenly feel like I have this giant tattoo on my forehead and so  do they, a giant neon sign flashing "Hey over here. You two have LOTS to talk about. Believe me. You are also looking for the same things. Enjoy." Is this because some sort of chemical we give off or a cosmic intervention? People placed along your path at the opportune moment to learn from, to teach other, to inspire and remind? We all deal with things different but it's always easier to know that you aren't going it alone.  

I have made some plans that I would like to share, unfortunately now is not the time.

However I have decided it's time for tattoo 2.

I know where and what colour, I am just not 100% on what yet. That what is pretty ridiculously important. When I am decided on that I'll let you know.

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